Sunday, September 29, 2019

Weekly Update Sept.30-Oct.4,2019
Important information: Each story in your child’s text book will usually, last two school weeks. Exceptions are short weeks and then as the year progresses, we may shorten the coverage as they become more proficient. So, the first week of the story, we will cover phonics and spelling and introduce the High Frequency Words for the story. The second week we read the story, work on comprehension skills and writing/grammar skills. There will NOT be a new spelling list this week, or a spelling test. Your child will not be bringing home the green notebook only the blue one. They only need to read those words each night to improve their fluency of the words (reading them on sight with out sounding them out.) The comprehension test will be on Thursday this week due to the Pep Rally on Friday.

Your child will bring home their text book to practice the story on Mondays. Since tonight is the first time, if you have anything to cover the book, that will be great. Paper grocery bags work the best, although sturdy wrapping paper works, too. The stretchy covers don’t really fit our books unless you have the large kind. The small ones damage our book’s bindings because they don’t allow the book to fully close and they don’t stretch out enough. I realize you may not have the materials to cover the books tonight, so my goal is to have them covered next week by Tuesday. If you should need a book cover, let me know and I will provide one for your child.

Spring Math is a program to build your child’s math fact fluency. You will receive a packet in the Friday Folder each week to monitor your child’s weekly progress. We are only working on sums to six. Practicing with flash cards at home will help them reach their goal more quickly.

This is also a friendly reminder now that books and notebooks are coming home, please be sure to have any kind of drink for your child in a separate lunch bag or snack holder, not the backpack.

Your child may wear jeans with any Spirit Week themed outfit. No masks or wigs will be permitted. If your child is not dressing in the theme, they must be in regular school dress code.
*Spirit Week Themes
Monday (Day 1) Computer class; *Wear a blue shirt; Read the words in the blue notebook (High Frequency Words) and read “Sam, Come Back!” Be sure to send the text book back to school whether it has a cover on it or not.

Tuesday (Day 2) Phys. Ed. Class; *High School, College or Professional Team Day; Read the H.F.W.

Wednesday (Day 3) Music class; *Western Day; Read the H.F.W., Comprehension test Thursday.

Thursday (Day 4) Art class; *Throw Back Day, dress in your favorite decade; H.F.W. test tomorrow.

Friday (Day 5) Library class; *Spartan Day/American Pride
*Please check the Friday Folder for important papers to keep; then sign and date the front sheet of the folder. Send the folder back to class the next school day.

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