Saturday, September 14, 2019

Weekly Update Sept. 16-20,2019

Important information: There will be a paid dress down day on Friday. Your child may wear sweats or jeans with a Spartan t-shirt, if they bring in a dollar donation. If your child is not participating, they must be in regular school dress code for the day.

Our class has been so marvelous at following all the SPARTY rules that they have earned 3 classroom rewards in 3 weeks of school! I have not had this happen in quite a long time! I’m so proud of them!!!

We have been doing a great job with our reading strategies and building stamina. The end of this week we will be up to 20 minutes of focused work time. We are just about ready to begin independent work and small group rotations. I didn’t send home the reading strategies last Friday to give the class some extra time discussing them before they go home. My new goal is to send them in this week’s Friday Folder.

Thank you for sending in your child’s activity schedules. I’ll send a note home in the T.H.F. the day before I show up. This will hopefully give you a heads up in case something comes up that your child won’t be able to make it that day.

Monday (Day 1) Computer class w/Mr. Leibig

Tuesday (Day 2) Phys. Ed. class w/Mrs. Geidner

Wednesday (Day 3) Music class w/Mrs. Schwartz

Thursday (Day 4) Art class w/Ms. Pasco

Friday (Day 5) Library class w/Mrs. David

*Please check the Friday Folder for important papers to keep; then sign and date the front sheet of the folder. Send the folder back to class the next school day.

I hope you enjoy the last official week of summer!

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