Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weekly Update Sept. 9-13,2019

Important information: Pictures will be taken at NSE on September 10th. Children must be in school dress code. Every child will have their picture taken regardless if you are buying the package. They use the photos for the yearbook.

I am enjoying getting to know your child academically and socially! The children have “Wowed” me in many ways already. This week we will have the Dibels reading assessment. I have completed both math and reading assessments and I’m finalizing groupings this week. We are continuing to build our stamina and by the end of the week, we should be at 12 minutes of a focused work time! We are adding strategies to our reading wall. These strategies will be coming home in the Friday Folder this week so you will be able to refer to them at home. This will reinforce the strategies and strengthen their understanding. By the end of the month, we will be ready to move from teacher guided groups to individual work and small student groups to enhance their learning in both reading and math!

We had some mishaps with drinks last week, so again I’m going to ask that you do not send in any kind of drink in your child’s backpack. Please send it in a lunch box, because it is better insulated from being squished. They do have access to the water fountain in the classroom.

Please send me a schedule of your child’s fall sports/activities. I will ask for one for each season as the year progresses. I enjoy going to recitals etc., I always have so much fun!

Monday (Day 2 ) Phys. Ed. class w/Mrs. Geidner

Tuesday (Day 3) Music class w/Mrs. Schwartz

Wednesday (Day 4) Art class w/Ms. Pasco

Thursday (Day 5) Library class w/Mrs. David

Friday (Day 6) Phys. Ed class w/Mrs. Geidner

*Please check the Friday Folder for important papers to keep; then sign and date the front sheet of the folder. Send the folder back to class the next school day.

I hope you have a fantastic week!

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