Saturday, September 21, 2019

Happy Fall!

Weekly Update Sept.23-27,2019
Important information: Remember on Meet the Teacher Night I mentioned we will be going slow so we may then go fast? Well, buckle your seat belts! Beginning this week the children will be instructed in whole group, small group and individual meetings with me. They successfully completed 20 minutes of on-task learning, working independently as well as in small groups this month. I’m so proud of them!
These are the changes you will begin seeing starting today:
*A green notebook will be coming home with pre-tested spelling words for each story throughout the year. It will come home (usually a Monday) with either a star on the page which equals all words spelled correctly, or words written in color by me. Those colored words will need to be written each night, 3 times each until the day of the test (which will be noted in the book by me). I will provide the paper for those corrections and you will sign the paper to indicate that you have checked the work and then return it to school the next day.
*A blue notebook will come home with the story high frequency words. Some words may be sounded out and others are sight words. These words are not to be written. They need to be read each night, perhaps practiced on flash cards or whatever works best for you. A few minutes every night will help with our work during the day. These words are cyclical, and will be repeated in each story going forward, so mastery of each story’s list is beneficial for each story going forward.
*Kid Writing! They will bring home a paper only if it has been checked by me. I address all corrections on these papers, with your child meeting privately with me to discuss their creation. In the beginning, I will focus on their letter/sound relationships, that’s all. Kid Writing is very revealing as to what sounds your child may or may not be hearing and speaking. I will not be addressing writing conventions, other than mentioning a sentence begins with a capital and ends with a mark. They will make many errors in this writing style in the beginning and into the mid-year. You must be patient. I am focused on developing the love of writing a “story”. The conventions and spelling come later. A journal may even be coming home soon with your child. I do not ever correct the journal. I read these stories and if I can’t, they read them to me….very proudly, and I make a big deal over every attempt. Once they finish one, they get another.
*Math work is mostly completed in school, all completed worksheets will come home, some days no paper work will go home. Your child should begin practicing adding to the sum of 6. That is our current goal. Flash cards are great practice, be sure they are reading the whole fact. Ex. “One plus four equals five”, not just giving the sum.
Any questions about any of this…please get in touch!

Monday (Day 4) Art class w/Ms. Pasco

Tuesday (Day 5) Library class w/Mrs. David

Wednesday (Day 6) Phys. Ed. class w/Mrs. Geidner

Thursday (Day 7) Music class w/Mrs. Schwartz

Friday (Day 8) Art class w/Ms. Pasco
*Please check the Friday Folder for important papers to keep; then sign and date the front sheet of the folder. Send the folder back to class the next school day.

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