Sunday, March 15, 2020

Weekly Update March 16-20, 2020

Important information: I hope to give you some ideas to help your child keep up their skills through these next few weeks. Please be sure to have them read daily. The children read at least 20 minutes a day independently. If you’re not a member of the public library in your town, now is a great time to join! Please get in touch with me regarding keeping up with skills, if you have any questions.

Please choose an older list from the spelling notebook and give your child a quiz, if they have any words wrong, they can write them three times each for a few days and then give a re-test. You may also have them rainbow write their corrections which means they use different colored pencils or crayons to make the words look like a rainbow.

The words in the blue notebook should still be practiced to know them all on sight. You may also have your child pick a few words each day to write in sentences, no more than 3-5. Be sure they are using proper handwriting form, using a capital to begin and an end mark. Don’t hesitate to go back to the beginning of the book.

The last sound chunk review test, I noticed there were quite a few errors on these sounds: igh, oi, er, ir, ur, and ou. Please practice these or any of the errors that your child had on the last test. I wrote the corrections next to their errors. You don’t have to use flash cards. Just write them on paper and have them make the sounds when they see them. This should also be done for about 5 minutes each day.

We are working on subtraction from 20, in Spring Math. They can practice writing these subtraction facts from twenty or practice timed sheets that you make up, from the sheets that were sent home. They had 2 minutes to complete 60 subtraction problems. It’s important to do this practice daily or they will lose their skills in this area and they were doing so well! We were telling time to the hour and half hour, so be sure to have them tell you time to keep up on this skill.

Try to incorporate music, art and physical activity into their schedule as well. Keeping a routine will help your child feel some control through this time of uncertainty. Go Noodle is a website that can be accessed by parents as well as teachers, you just need to sign up. They have videos that are so much fun. We do them regularly and they have favorites that will be fun to join in with them!

I’ll be regularly checking dojo, that will be the best way to get n touch with me, or if you need to discuss something here is my home phone 570-373-1879. Take care everyone!

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