Sunday, October 20, 2019

Weekly Update Oct.21-25,2019
Important information: This is Red Ribbon Week. The themed dress down days are listed below, in case you can’t find the paper from the Friday Folder. If your child is not participating in the theme for the day, they must come in the usual school dress code attire.

We are beginning a new story this week, “The Big Blue Ox”, so there will be a new spelling list tonight. Check for corrections to be written 3 times each for the remainder of the week. The test will be Friday, if needed. Continue to practice reading the H.F.W. list each night. (Blue notebook) Also, there may be some leveled reading books coming home for extra practice with your child. These books are intended to give your child more practice on their current success level. Five minutes of reading usually will be all that they need. Contact me if you have any questions.

We are continuing Unit 2 in math which is working on addition sums to 10. Our goal for adding to 12 has been met for spring math! Our new focus is subtraction from 5. The children are doing such a wonderful job with these math facts! I’m so proud of them!

I have only been contacted by one parent for the Halloween Party on the 31st. If you are still making arrangements to come in, please get in touch with me so I know how to plan for the day. I have all the supplies/food that we need for the party. I hope a few more will be able to come in and help with the fun!

*Red Ribbon Theme
Monday (7) Music class; (*Wear Red) Look for spelling corrections, practice the new H.F.W.

Tuesday (Day 8) Art class; (*Wear jeans with a Spartan shirt) Read the H.F.W., practice math facts subtracting from 5, spelling corrections if needed

Wednesday (Day 1) Computer class; (*Spartan t-shirt with sweatpants) Read the H.F.W., read “Pig in a Wig”, cover the text book

Thursday (Day 2) Phys. Ed. class; (*Wear brightly colored clothing) Read the H.F.W., read your library book to someone at home

Friday (Day 3) Music class; (*Wear pink!) Practice reading over the weekend and practice math facts to 10

*Please check the Friday Folder for important papers to keep; then sign and date the front sheet of the folder. Send the folder back to class the next school day.

Have a fantastic week!

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